
Talks and Readings

Talks, publications, links and networks



‘Feeling at home and the “psychosomatics of arecaidinism”’, MAA Digital Lab, 26 Dec 2023.

‘Skin and the archive: Reading ecology and colonial legacies in a Kuria drum,’ in Spaces of Care - Confronting Colonial Afterlives in European Ethnographic Museums, eds. W. Modest and C. Augustat, 197-199.

‘Damage, dirt, and change over time: Documenting conditions at the University of Cambridge Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology’, Journal of the Institute of Conservation (UK) 46, no.2, 127-140.

‘The silent drum’, interview for The Library of the Great Silence, 4 April 2023.

‘Reconsidering fragility in museums - and the world,’, 23 February 2023.

‘There is no West: Language and geography in museum practice,’ TAKING CARE Project (EU), 10 February 2023.


‘Establishing context and continuity for the use of human remains in Tibetan ritual objects: Conservation as research methodology,’ in AIC General and Concurrent Sesssion Postprints, vol 1.

‘Documenting time and the legacies of displacement at the University of Cambridge Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology,’ Heritage and Colonialism Discussion Group, University of Cambridge, 8 November 2022.

with Jonn Gale. ‘Making connections through world collections: “People and Plants” at the Powell-Cotton Museum,’ Museum Ethnographers Group Blog, 15 May 2022.

'Are we decolonized yet?', ICOM-CC Theory History and Ethics of Conservation Working Group Newsletter #23, 14-15.


‘On the use of human remains in Tibetan ritual objects’, PhD thesis, SOAS University of London.

‘Other conservations: A structured conversation about what else it could mean to invest in material heritage’, Collective Liberation: Disrupt, Dismantle, Manifest, June 2021.

‘Human remains as cultural objects: A case study in Tibetan material religion,’ Journal of Museum Ethnography 34, 127-141.


‘Human remains in Tibetan material religion: An object-centered approach,’ Tibetan Graduate Studies Seminar at University of Oxford, October 2020.

‘Instrumentation and death in Buddhist material culture,’ Introduction to the event Buddhism Inside/Out: Engaging the Dead, SOAS Centre for Buddhist Studies, January 2020.


‘Cultural technology and the material strategies of Tibetan ritual objects,’ Object lessons from Tibet and the Himalayas, originally presented at the International Association of Tibetan Studies meeting in Paris, July 2019.

‘Review: Power Objects in Tibetan Buddhism by James Duncan Gentry,’ Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 82, no. 1.


'The ethics of stability for cultural materials: A conservator's perspective' in Shades of Noir, Ethics: Preserving voices vulnerable to erasure, 38-41.

‘Human remains, objects and ethics in cultural institutions,’ ICOM-CC Theory History and Ethics of Conservation Working Group Newsletter #22, 9-10.


'Interpreting human remains in Tibetan ritual objects' in Material Religion: the Journal of Art, Objects and Belief, 1-3.

'Picking up the pieces: Accepting, preventing and learning from mistakes', Emerging Conservation Professionals Network, American Institution for Conservation webinar.


with Utsha Gurung, et al. 'Locally and historically sourced strategies for conservation at the Department of Culture, Bhutan' in The AICCM Bulletin 26, no 1. 

'Regional report: Note on the treatment of Buddhist heritage' in ICOM-CC Theory and History Working Group Newsletter, no. 19, 3-5.


with Geneva Griswold. 'Evaluating environmental conditions in shipping containers with recommendations on their reinforcement for the storage of cultural materials', at ICOM-CC Triennial conference, Melbourne, Australia.


with Geneva Griswold. 'The dead-bucket: An inexperienced conservators' guide for evaluating setbacks' in Youth in the Conservation of Cultural Heritage (YoCOCU) Special Issue, Procedia Chemistry 8.